Tuesday 15 March 2011


In The Library...

kiteorang lawat...library tu ade 6 tingkat...
tapi yang boleh cume 4 tingkat je..sbb buku ade sampai kat 4 tingkat...yg lain blom lagi....kat UTHM banyak bangunan...baru2 ni...UTHM nak wat masjid besar.....macam masjid negara tu...haha...kolam renang ade....padang besaw punye.....stadium....& banyak lagi....fuyoh....macam2....UTHM banyak advantages.....macam kat bawah tu ade slide pasal UTHM...tgok ar...best macam citer....action..hehe....ok i'll stop right here because...resultnye dah nk keluar...sape ek yang menang nanti....????hhmmmm....

Monday 14 March 2011

15 march 2011

we continued our journey in UTHM...what i mean is 'still in this room'...(bilik bahasa)...but....*don't think nagative...this is the best room ever...no...this the second best room ever...haha...my room is the best actually...haha...ok...we proceed our studying on blogging....untill 2.30 start from 9 am...actually my brother and I start at 9.30...because we are late...haha..don't be mad...i'll buy you some ice-cream...*in my dream....haha...ok that's all today...right now I am waiting for the result....who gonna win this competition today...feel like want to fainted...*actually not...just saying...haha...if i lose...that's will be my starter..but if i win...i'll will continued on studying about technology...actually i already studying about technology..because i take technical science in my SPM next year..hope me can successful result...aminn....


ok....selepas kiteorang buat blog....kiteorang pegi makan skjp...then solat zohor.....selesai solat zohor sahaja..kami bergegas untuk kembali ke bilik ini (bahasa) dan trus duduk di hadapan computer...nak tau wat ape?...of course la facebook....sbb...bukak..mase tu je la can nk dpt bukak...dri kol 1 sampai 2 je....he3...mase bukak fb tu..tibe2 je..off...sy x log out lagi...sbb dah kol 2 mmg ar..haha...pastu kiteorang sambung wat blog.....sampai kol 4....tapi x siap lagi....ok sambung esoknya....

Selepas selesai melihat keindahan perpustakaan tu..kiteorang g semula ke bilik bahasa ni...kiteorang di ajar cane nk wat & n cantik kan blog...the theme they want us to complete in the blog is 'seharian di UTHM'...pertandingan Blog sape paling cantik diadakan dan keputusannya pada hari selasa...pada 15/3/2011....fuhh...dah mcm diari la pulak....haha.....to be continued....

UTHM Corporate Video..


many facilities...
flying colour result(the best and advanced univercuty in Malaysia)...
science & technology management....
start from diploma till PHD,THINK SO....
learn from experience...
producing high technology products...
and so on...WATCH THE SLIDE..

UTHM Pictures

Sehari di UTHM....
Smlm saya mula makan angin di perpustakaan...angin di sana segar...sbb tu saya makan...segar sebb kt sane sejuk...ni contoh2 gambar yg saya amik...

Bermula dari bilik makmal Bahasa....

Dari sini...kami bertolak pergi ke perpustakaan UTHM untuk mencari gambar atau foto yang menarik...To let you know....UTHM library is the largest library ever in ASIA!!...


we went in to see many facilities in The Famous Library...so,you can see a garden in this post...i had never seen any library has a garden in it...This is very mesmerized me...i wanna let out the cat in the bag about inside the library...there is so many facilities...computer...OPAC system...and so on....that's all for today...huhuh... : )

My Young Friends

Dieorang ni kawanku di SMKAJB...dieorang slalu minx tolong saya...tpi yang paling rapat...yang pakai baju kuning hijau tu....nama die aiman azmi....die bdaknye baik....slalu ceria...tapi slalu tunjuk macho....dalam ape2 hal sumenye macho jek...haha...


Mari dengar lagu UTHM.......


Pada 14 januari 2011....

hari ini UTHM mengadakan Bengkel Celik IT....bengkel ni...cerita pasal cane nk wat blog....nasihat dieorang...IT is our priority....